'“That form is to be kept, literally, in a safe, never to be opened, or shared with anyone at a congregation,” he said. “In some cases, what I’ve seen is, they destroy the records at the local congregation level, and a copy is kept at their headquarters, in New York.”
Fritz argues that transporting written evidence from local cities and counties — where crimes would be prosecuted — to New York is a move meant to stymie investigators.
“It’s somewhat a shell game,” he said. “Local law enforcement doesn’t have the resources to do interstate investigations.”
That culture of secrecy, though, is starting to crack.
“The wall is beginning to come down,” Fritz said. “It’s going to take efforts from all states to fully peel it away.”
The Attorney General’s Office asks others who have abuse allegations to contact a special hotline: 1-888-538-8541.'
With Fritz saying, “It’s going to take efforts from all states to fully peel it away.”
Will be interesting once report is public, if the Pennsylvania grand jury investigation got all 50 USA state records or just the records from the state of PA.